Time to share some fabulous news… which is something we’re blessed to be able to do regularly here at The Robin Centre!
However, it’s not every day you get to officially announce that you’re supporting an organisation like Teesside Hospice. Along with our sister companies, Care Matters Homecare, and Tribe Recruitment, we’re delighted to also become a corporate sponsor of the charity that does so much for people across the Tees Valley area.
Providing free support to people and families affected by terminal illness, Teesside Hospice need as much as £7,000 every day in order to do their work. Like many businesses in 2020, however, their fundraising has become a big challenge, due to the closure of their many hospice shops, and cancellation of fundraising events, due to COVID-19.
This unfortunate news, which we truly hope won’t be repeated in 2021, makes support from businesses like ours, and everyone who donates or raises money for their cause, even more crucial.
Our Director, Phil Crowther, had this to say about the announcement: “Improving lives is behind everything we do at The Robin Centre, and why we’re so happy to be able to sponsor Teesside Hospice, who also do so much for so many.
A spokesperson for the hospice added: “Teesside Hospice is delighted to welcome The Robin Centre as a new Corporate Supporter and looks forward to an enjoyable and rewarding relationship with The Robin Centre team for many years to come.”
…and we must say, wholeheartedly echo this positive sentiment!
If you’d like to learn more about Teesside Hospice, or make a donation to support their wonderful work, you can do so by visiting their website, here.
Also, several members of staff at our sister company, Tribe Recruitment, are raising funds for the charity right now – by completing a sponsored firewalk. Visit their Just Giving page to support their brave adventure!